Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda.Thu, 05 Aug 2021 17:14:21 +0000en-GB hourly 1 Uganda 3232Fr Gaetano asks gov’t to open Churches,give Covid-19 accountability Thu, 05 Aug 2021 17:14:21 +0000 Fr. Gaetano Batanyenda of Kitanga Parish in Kabale district has asked the government to reopen places of worship under strict observance of Standard Operating Procedures-SOPs since other sectors have largely been reopened.

Fr Gaetano has also challenged religious leaders to speak up on the matter if they don’t want to be termed “compromised”.

“The government/President Museveni want people to think that COVID-19 is now in places of worship,” he added.

The famous anti-corruption champion who asked the public to adhere to SOPs also wants the government to give COVID-19 donations/funds accountability to build public trust in the fight against the pandemic.

President Museveni last Friday addressed the nation and partially lifted the lockdown, leaving places of worship, schools and the entertainment sector closed.

]]>RDC comes to rescue of journalists as their Emyooga funds fall in the wrong hands of impersonators Thu, 05 Aug 2021 15:25:08 +0000 Kabale Resident District Commissioner Darius Nandinda has directed the Chief Administrative Officer Edmond Ntimba to intervene in the restructuring of the Kabale journalist Emyooga association.

Among the directives, the RDC wants the association to change the top management and be led by a journalist.

In a letter dated 4th August 2021, Nandinda directed the CAO to engage the office of the senior community development officer and the commercial officer to reshuffle the existing executive committee of the Kabale Emyooga journalist SACCO.

Nandinda also directs all non journalists who took money from the Association to return it back to the SACCO with immediate effect, and those who were conned of their money to be refunded.

He further ordered the District Police Commander and the Officer In charge of Criminal Investigations Department (OCCID) to take immediate action in ensuring that the directives are put in action.

The RDC told our reporter that he will ensure that the association benefits the real people.

The development follows last month’s arrest of the Chairperson of Mwanjari Journalists association in southern Division Moses Tahoreraho for allegedly obtaining money by false pretence from different people yet he was also not a journalist.

He was arrested on the orders of Nandinda after several complaints from members of the association that he was withholding their savings and denying them a chance to obtain loans.

Tahoreraho was accused by Chris Turyomurugyendo, Nathan Byaruhanga; Agnes Komuhangi among others who said that following several attempts to apply for loans in vain they demanded for refund of their savings but Tahoreraho rejected their requests.

He was accused of recruiting his relatives like his mother, sister and brother whom he also gave loans thus leaving out journalists.

]]>Keep yourselves updated â€" Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba challenges army medical personnel Thu, 05 Aug 2021 14:49:23 +0000 Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) Land Force Commander, Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba ,in a message delivered by the Director of Political Education in Land Force, Colonel Anatoli Nuwagira, appreciated the Chieftaincy of Medical Services for the job they are doing in the service of the troops especially in Covid-19 pandemic where many of the personnel are at the frontline to fight the pandemic.

He further reminded them to keep safe while on duty.

Gen Muhoozi challenged the medical personnel that ideological renewal like Christianity and Islam is continuous where one doesn’t stop going to church or the Mosque. He further urged them to always keep new information which have an impact on their lives and in the same spirit to always encourage their subordinates to do the same.

This was happened today Thursday , at the start of a two day ideological Orientation Symposium for Medical Personnel conducted by Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Chieftaincy of Medical Services together with the Political Commissariat at the Senior Officers Diagnostics Centre, Mbuya.

In his remarks, the Chief of Medical Services, Maj Gen Dr Ambrose Musinguzi said that the key components under the mandate of the Medical Services is to adequately build and make the medical services more professional and modernized so as to measure up to new challenges like emerging new infections, acquisition of new technologies in healthcare so as to contribute to the National Development Plan.

Hon. Lydia Wanyoto-Mutende presented a paper titled “The Role of Modern Military Medical Services in Enhancing National and Regional Security”, where she noted that the traditional war of guns is being replaced with biological wars, cyber-wars, terrorism which paradigm implies that the military medical force is increasingly becoming important in terms of evacuation, offering physiological support and treatment of victims.

She called upon the leadership to shift from analogue approaches to modern approaches so as to be able to respond to threats like biological wars such as epidemics and pandemics.

]]>Gen Salim Saleh’s OWC distances self from giving out cash handouts to artistes Thu, 05 Aug 2021 13:15:53 +0000 Wealth Creation (OWC) has distanced itself from giving out cash handouts to artistes.

Recently, there have have reports making rounds on social media alleging that OWC has been  giving out funds to certain artistes and musicians in the entertainment sector.

However, Maj Kiconco Tabaro, the OWC Public Relations Officer says that the reports being made that they have given funds to individual musicians or any people in the entertainment industry are false and diversionary and should be treated with all the contempt they deserve.

“We have not released any money as OWC and if we are to carry out any operations requiring resource Mobilisation and disbursement, we do so within very clearly defined processes and protocols as spelt out in the Public Finance Management Act,”Maj Tabaro noted.

He added that the organisation’s Chief Coordinator Gen Salim Saleh has been engaging with different stakeholders and actors from various sectors in the economy, amongst them, stakeholders in the creative and performing arts industry to consult and explore ways in which OWC can be a vehicle for facilitating different kind of support and other strategies to help the country deal with the harsh effects of coronavirus pandemic on the pandemic.

“OWC in response to the crisis being faced by the country, as it has been doing with other sectors of the economy, has intervened by carrying out and providing mindset change educational trainings and workshops designed to empower artistes, build capacity and equip them with the requisite skills to handle shocks that can impede their ability to earn a living in the future. The creative arts industry is dominated by people who operate in the informal nature some of whom are very vulnerable to economic shocks not of their making,”Maj Tabaro asserted in 5th August statement.

” It is important to note that the industry also has a high multiplier effect for wealth and job creation plus social inclusion which are good vehicles for economic empowerment, national unity and harmony. As such, OWC recognizes the potential of the sector for sustainable development and poverty eleviation which is one of the reasons it has taken initiative to coordinate under the stewardship of the Chief Coordinator who has been based in Gulu, Northern Uganda to organize ans mainstream the the industry in order tonfully tap its potential for national development. During such engagements with the creatives whicb include but are not limited to musoc artistes, alternative ways to earn a living ans also to capitalize on their talent and large fan bases are shared, discussed and demonstrated.”

]]>Here is why NUP leaders, supporters are fighting tooth and nail to have arrested blogger Lumbuye set free Thu, 05 Aug 2021 11:26:49 +0000 National Unity Platform (NUP) Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya has defended the party’s decision to condemn the arrest of controversial blogger Fred Lumbuye.

Lumbuye was reportedly arrested in Turkey from where he was broadcasting his hard hitting youtube and Facebook videos targeting government of Uganda and Buganda Kingdom officials.

Its alleged that unknown people arrested Lumbuye and his whereabouts are yet to be unearthed up to date. The blogger is wanted in Uganda on hateful propaganda against President Museveni’s government.

Lumbuye  is the blogger who announced Kabaka Mutebi of Buganda and President Museveni dead, leading to speculation on the health of the principals.

Since his alleged arrest, the leadership of NUP headed by Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine and the party supporters have been condemning the act using various social media platforms. They have since called for his immediate release.

“For now, we are working around the clock to establish the facts, and I am grateful to all those who are doing everything to support his case, including our diaspora leadership teams. Our leadership team at home has also engaged the Turkish Embassy on the matter,” Bobi Wine said on Wednesday.

“We all must be very concerned about this development, because as we know many Ugandans only feel safe to criticise the regime in Uganda from a safe distance in countries abroad. The governments of the world ought to protect the rights of political dissidents and exiles who have sought refuge in their countries. Ugandans abroad ought to feel safe,”he added.

However, the party’s call to have Lumbuye freed has sparked mixed reactions from a section of the the general public who perceive the blogger as criminal who has turned blackmail, hate speech and propaganda his daily meal.

This has forced Rubongoya to come out and clarify on the matter.

He says they are defending Lumbuye not because he is a perfect person or they entirely agree with everything he does but all they want is that the blogger is not handed over to a criminal regime which he claims is well known for torturing critics.

Read Rubongoya’s submission:

We are not saying that Fred Lumbuye is a perfect person. We are not even saying that he has not made some mistakes in the course of his work. In fact, we do not necessarily agree with everything he does.

All we are saying is that he should not be handed over to a criminal regime which is well known for torturing critics!

All we are saying is that he is a known critic of the regime in Uganda and the regime has been baying for his blood. To deport him to Uganda would be to sentence him to death.

All we are saying is that he cannot get a free and fair trial in Uganda, in a system where political opponents are subjected to kangaroo military trials, held incommunicado and denied access to lawyers.

All we are saying is that if Fred Lumbuye is handed over to the regime in Kampala, that will send shock and fear within Ugandan dissidents and political activists everywhere in the world.

All we are saying is that if Turkey hands over Fred Lumbuye to Kampala, it will embolden the regime to go about hunting and hurting the hundreds of Ugandans who sought refuge in countries elsewhere.

All we are saying is that despite some flaws, Fred Lumbuye is only able to loudly criticise the regime in Uganda because he knows the fate of those who have tried to do that from home.

All we are saying is that we do not have to necessarily agree with everything you do for us to fight for your rights and freedoms. In fact, we have gone as far as fighting for the rights of those who have even persecuted us.

All we are saying is that people who run away from their countries over political disagreements must be accorded protection under international law.

In short, we are saying that if Lumbuye has committed any offences under Turkish laws, he should be tried in Turkey and not handed over to a regime which has made a name for violating the rights and freedoms of those it lays its hands on.


]]>Gen Elly Tumwine refuses to rest as UPDF retires 14 General, 604 other officers today Thu, 05 Aug 2021 10:56:50 +0000 Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) will today Thursday be retiring a total of 14 Generals, 604 senior and junior officers.

The army spokesperson, Brig Gen Flavia Byekwaso says the retirement ceremony for the Generals will be held at State House Entebbe whereas for the other retirees, it will be in their respective Headquarters, formations and units.

“The Ministry of Defence and UPDF recognize their commitment, sacrifice, selflessness and dedication to offering security service to the country at a time where many shunned joining the liberation struggle in favour of maintain the status quo,” Brig Byekwaso said today.

“Because of their service, the country’s course of history has been over turned across all spectrum, from an almost total shutdown to a now robust and sound economy with guaranteed peace and stability in the entire country.”

Sources in the UPDF told ChimpReports, a local news website that the retirees include Lt Gen Pecos Kuteesa, one of the army representatives in parliament, and Fred Maj Gen Fred Mugisha who served previously as the 4th Commander of AMISOM in Somalia.

Others being retired include Brig Gen John Kasaija, who served in various position as Defence Attaché and Brig Gen Christopher Kazoora who until recently served as Commandant of UPDF’s cantonment in Kaweweta, Maj Gen Vincent Oula, another UPDF MP who also served as the Head of Civil Military Cooperation, as well as Brig Gen Moses Lukyamuzi.

Meanwhile, we have also learnt that former Security Minister Gen Elly Tumwine was also lined up for retirement but begged President Yoweri Museveni who is also the Commander In Chief to reconsider his decision.

Eagle Online says that Gen Tumwine told his boss that he still wants to serve in the army.

In 2019, the army leadership said it was the decision of its Commissions and Promotions Board to delay the retirement of some Generals to retire in July that same year.

According to the current retirement system, which started in 2017, each officer knows when to retire and it had showed that Lt Gen Kuteesa was supposed to retire in 2018, while Gen Ivan Koreta and Gen Tumwine, would have left in 2019. The system, which is based on the years of service, age and the rank of an officer, gives the specific year when every officer would retire.

]]>Since when did inciting terrorism become political activism? MP Nsereko bashes Bobi Wine, NUP for standing with arrested ‘criminal’ Lumbuye Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:08:13 +0000 Central Member of Parliament Muhammad Nsereko has castigated the leader of National Unity Platform (NUP) Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine and a section of his supporters for advocating for the rights of controversial blogger Fred Lumbuye who was allegedly arrested on Tuesday.

Lumbuye was reportedly arrested in Turkey from where he was broadcasting his hard hitting youtube and Facebook videos targeting government of Uganda and Buganda Kingdom officials.

Its alleged that unknown people arrested Lumbuye and his whereabouts are yet to be unearthed up to date. The blogger is wanted in Uganda on hateful propaganda against President Museveni’s government.

Lumbuye  is the blogger who announced Kabaka Mutebi of Buganda and President Museveni dead, leading to speculation on the health of the principals.

And according to Nsereko, Lumbuye is a criminal who doesn’t deserve any sympathy. The legislator even wonders why Bobi Wine and colleagues are busy fighting for the rights of a man whose purpose is to blackmail, spread hate speeches and incite terrorism in Uganda.

“Since when did propaganda, blackmail, hate speech and inciting terrorism become political activism? All the hypocrites that have been funding the goon are now posting garbage in his support, ‘Activist’ my foot,” Nsereko posted on his Facebook page on Wednesday.

Following the arrest of Lumbuye, Bobi Wine said the news of the blogger’s arrest was a great concern to many Ugandans who support freedom both home and abroad.

“For now, we are working around the clock to establish the facts, and I am grateful to all those who are doing everything to support his case, including our diaspora leadership teams. Our leadership team at home has also engaged the Turkish Embassy on the matter,” the musician turned politician said.

“We all must be very concerned about this development, because as we know many Ugandans only feel safe to criticise the regime in Uganda from a safe distance in countries abroad. The governments of the world ought to protect the rights of political dissidents and exiles who have sought refuge in their countries. Ugandans abroad ought to feel safe,”he added.

]]>Two perish in nasty Mbarara road accident Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:03:41 +0000 people have died in Kiruhura District in an accident involving two motor vehicles. The accident occurred at about 11:00pm on Wednesday at Rwebitete Lyantonde/ Mbarara road.

The accident occurred between motor vehicle registration number UBJ 436H/ UBA 787S Benz Actros White in color loaded with cement and motor vehicle registration number UAW 901Z Mitsubishi Fuso red in color with an empty milk tanker.

The victims include the driver of the milk tanker identified as Mohammed Kahima and passenger identified as Suna Mathias aged, 28.

According to Samson Kasasira, Rwizi Region Police Spokesperson, other three people sustained serious injuries.

They include Musingize Zefa of Kagarama Isingiro, Kyarutaba Victor and Mubiru Collins.

The driver of the vehicle carrying cement by names of Kayongo Abdul aged, 48, along with other victims are admitted at Lyantonde district Hospital. The dead bodies are in the mortuary of the same hospital.

]]>EXO Mix Drink: Stress killer vodka hits Ugandan market Thu, 05 Aug 2021 08:29:43 +0000 the on going Covid-19 pandemic and simultaneous Lockdowns,many people are stressed, bored, others need to tryout new adventure.

Well, look no further, EXO Mix Drink is here to give you a new episode of unmatched adventure with zero boredom. All you gotta do is to love this new favourite drink.

EXO Mix Drink which is already on the Ugandan market is an alcopop drink, manufactured with highest quality standards in Belgium.

Timothy Mukisa, the brand’s Operations Manager says the drink withholds its uniqueness in two flavors; Vodka Energy Mix- an energy drink with a vodka just enough to discover your enigmatic self-side and Vodka Orange Mix- a drink that is a replica of a new cocktail experience which gives you a sweet taste of Oranges.

“So now you realize both the strength and passion are mixed in a 250ml can and alc. 18% as sparkle for the hype identity of the moment. If you need to enjoy to the fullest without compromising the sense that makes us appreciated by friends, family and the new people you intend to meet. EXO Mix is the answer,” says Mr Mukisa.

“For home parties, outdoor functions, tours, game drives, EXO Mix definitely the best choice.”

For orders and deliveries please contact us on +256752916391

You can keep tabs by following on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram â€" @EXOMixUg

]]>Why Museveni cleared workers’ mid-term access to NSSF Savings Thu, 05 Aug 2021 08:09:25 +0000 HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri Museveni on Wednesday agreed to the workers mid-term access to their saving in the National Social Security fund and directed the Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development Betty Amongi to make changes to the bill and return it for consent.

Using dramatic backdrops and biblical sayings, the President noted if this does not work out, it will be a lesson learned together.

“You remember Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice? Shylock with his my pound of flesh whether you die or what! For the NRM not to be that Shylock and since these people think this is the solution, lets go ahead. If it doesn’t work out we shall see..learn together instead of being like shylock,” the President said, before adding, “You go, I wash my hands. I have become Pontious Pilate!”

Shylock is a fictional character in William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice, a Venetian Jewish moneylender.
While in St. Matthew’s gospel, Pontius Pilate ‘washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person’. This was to show the crowd he did not want Jesus dead, but ordered his death because that is what the people wanted. He was washing his hands of the responsibility.

It has now been agreed that somebody who is 45 years and has saved for ten years can access up to 20% of their savings. The commencement date will be set in the statutory instrument, supervision of the fund is by the Ministry of Finance, while the NSSF MD is a member of the Board of directors.

Conflicting information and change in wording regarding the National Social Security (Amendment) bill forced the President to push a major decision on the workers mid-term access to today.

The workers representatives attended the meeting, representatives from the Ministry of Finance led by the Minister Matia Kasaijja, the MD of NSSF Richard Byarugaba members of NOTU and COFTU.

The President said he was more concerned about destroying the viability of the fund.

“The fear was if you do that, you degrade huge money put together and which the fund is using to invest instead of going abroad to beg. Also a worker may end up getting less by 30 million at his retirement,” he said.

According to the NSSF MD Richard Byarugaba, the fund collects Shs 125bn a month, Shs 1.5trillion per year and pay up to Shs 900bn for members qualifying in other benefits.

However, Minister Amongi Betty said they had delved into all the issues and their conclusion is that, it would not have a substantial impact on the depletion of the fund because the fund is Shs 15 trillion and they need between Shs 800bn to 1 trillion to handle mid-term access at a go.

“We agreed to schedule it. We don’t pay all at a go but about 20% of members in a certain period and have also have a criteria like age and amount saved,” she said.

The Minister of Finance Matia Kasaija said they had already done brief to the President on how they are going to handle this including formation of regulations that will govern the way the money will get out.

NOTU Chairman General Usher Owere commended President Museveni for the bold decision and thanked him on behalf workers of Uganda for listening to their plight.

“Workers are very happy with you. You have saved this country and workers will never forget you. I thank the workers for being patient,” he said.

Every month, institutions deduct 5% of employees’ salaries as contribution to NSSF, the employers tops it up with 10 percent while NSSF earns them 12%.

NSSF is a government agency responsible for the collection, safekeeping, responsible investment and distribution of retirement funds from employees in the private sector who are not covered by the government retirement scheme.


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