Anti-vaccine advocate Chris Sky fed up of phone calls after giving out his number
"I’m not afraid of anybody. And I’m actually here to help," he told people outside the Eaton Centre
Author of the article:
Scott LauriePublishing date:
Sep 30, 2021 • 13 minutes ago • 2 minute read • 68 Comments
A man who has gained notoriety for speaking out against vaccines, vaccine certificates, lockdowns, and masks says he is fed up with people calling his cell-phone after he gave his number out at a weekend rally outside the Eaton Centre.
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Article contentChris Sky â€" whose real name last name is Saccoccia â€" posted a profanity-laced video to Twitter on Monday in which he said he is getting “literally thousands of phone calls every g**damn second with f***ing stupid people asking the same f***ing stupid question. Stop calling!â€
On Saturday afternoon he told the crowd outside the mall: “I’m going to give out my phone number because if there are any people of substance actually watching this … they can contact me because unlike the politicians I have nothing to hide. I’m not afraid of anybody. And I’m actually hear to help. Now everyone in the world has my number.â€
Now he wants the calls to stop.
He also said to them, “If you want to go on your … march, go right ahead. I will not be participating in any marches unless they have substance. So unless you’re going to be walking into stores mask-free … or into restaurants demanding to be seated, I’m not going to be a part of that.â€
After his remarks, a number of people attempted to enter the mall.
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Article contentPeople could be seen on video shoving security guards and police.
Police say a security guard was assaulted during the incident and two people â€" a man and a woman â€" were arrested and charged with assault.
At a rally in London, Ont. on Sunday, Sky said ‘’I was in Toronto yesterday and then I got blamed for everyone going into the Eaton Centre.â€

Sky has described himself as someone who has spoken across the country as a champion for human rights and a defender of Charter rights.
“The vaccine passport equals the nullification of our rights and freedoms for good and transforms them into government-granted privileges predicated on an inoculation that has been proven ineffective and unsafe,†he told a rally in Kelowna, B.C. earlier this year.
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Earlier this year, he was charged with three counts of uttering death threats â€" including one against Premier Doug Ford, one count of assaulting a peace officer with a weapon, and one count of dangerous operation of a conveyance.
He surrendered himself to police May 20. None of the allegations against him have been tested in court.
One of Sky’s tweets Wednesday mentioned a rally planned for Hanover on Oct. 2.
Another tweet Tuesday said “OCT 16 LONDON. We take a stand. We push back. We take our freedom back. United Non Compliance.â€
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