Letters to the Editor Oct 6
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Postmedia News
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Article contentErin O’Toole should stay on as leader. He won the popular vote. He is not the problem. I believe the problem lies with his strategic leadership team. The team’s lack of consistency, foresight and direction made O’Toole look indecisive and not prime-minister material. For the CPC and O’Toole to win, it is crucial that the party unite behind O’Toole and part with his strategic leadership team and hire proven, experienced winners the likes of Warren Kinsella or Jim Warren, who have successfully guided Liberal prime ministers and premiers to victory.
D. Reinsborough
(They need some changes made internally; no question about that)
Warren Kinsella’s column on Oct. 2 “PM deserves our outrage†was right on the money. A lot of eligible voters feel the same way he does. Many voters have “voter apathy,†we have lost confidence in all of the parties. We know that the candidates will promise anything to get elected, and we know they are all lying. So, what is the point in voting. There is an old joke: “How do you know if a politician is lying? His or her lips are moving.†I have been around for over 75 years and I have never seen it this bad. Very sad.
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Article contentBob Hartley
(It is a pathetic state of affairs indeed. But it’s also about becoming an informed voter. There’s a good chance that if more people had looked into the Trudeau government’s handling of so many issues for the past six years, the result could have been very different)
Re “Toronto activist under fire for anti-Israel rant during address to teachers†(Bryan Passifiume, Sept. 27): I find it particularly puzzling to read that Desmond Cole said that conversations about First Nations reconciliation can’t take place without first addressing Palestinian freedom. Would it also be necessary to address Tibetan freedom and Hong Kong freedom before addressing First Nations reconciliation? There are many groups around the world who do not have freedom, and I see no special link between any particular foreign freedom struggle and anti-black racism in Canada or Indigenous reconciliation. People can have a variety of views on the best way to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while still being opposed to anti-black racism.
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Article contentBruce Couchman
(We are still scratching our heads at this one. And to think, he was paid by your tax dollars)
There is nothing progressive about kneecapping our economy in the name of climate change. Canada has never achieved Paris accord objectives. Canada’s economic viability and stability are a matter of national security. So is national unity. An increasing debt load and a decrease of investments coming to this country are problematic to say the least. The same can be said for Canada’s inability to get natural resources to market. Building pipelines in order to generate revenues for the federal treasury should not be subject to the whims of social acceptability from those who benefit. In conclusion, given what we know about the Biden administration’s position on pipelines and the position of the governor of Michigan on the Enbridge 5 pipeline, we need pipelines asap. Solar, wind, and hydroelectricity across Canada in the short or medium term is a pipe dream.
Robert Solignac
(And who is the brave soul willing to stand up for our resource sector and not care about having a political future when certain media and environmentalists scream?)
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